My preferred intervention is EMDR as this can be used in the treatment of many disorders. It is mostly used in trauma based disorders but it can also be used to tackle other mental health disorders or life’s difficulties. However, this may not suit everyone so CBT, Mindfulness and generic counselling can be offered as an alternative treatment option.
All therapy sessions including assessments are provided in a safe, comfortable and confidential environment.
Please note that I am not able to see all clients who make an enquiry as certain mental health disorders or services requested may not match my particular experience and/or specialisms. Please read the service exclusions page before making an enquiry. Click here to go to the service exclusions page.
Relationship difficulties- at home and/or at work
Post traumatic stress disorder (P.T.S.D.)
Trauma reactions from early life and more recent events
Adjustment difficulties (e.g. to life changes, loss, physical problems)
Stress-related problems.
Bereavement and prolonged grief
Obsessional Compulsive problems (OCD)
Emotional regulation problems, e.g. anger, impulsive behaviours
EMDR therapy is a psychological approach which helps people to reduce or eliminate distress, anxiety and/or depression which can be experienced as a direct result of witnessing a trauma, either recently, or from the past.
Trauma can include many events especially life changing ones such as near-death experiences, rape, physical, emotional and sexual abuse. Any natural disaster or other catastrophic event such as a terrorist attack or any military combat events.
Distressing memories from being bullied or emotionally neglected can also be resolved from using this therapy. Clients are enabled to reprocess the most disturbing aspect of the memory or the negative belief to allow a more adaptive response to be created and paired with the disturbing memories and nightmares so that the emotional impact lessons and that they become just memories.


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is a psychological therapy that examines the way you think or behave in relation to every day events and how these relate to your mood or how you feel.
Many thoughts and behaviours may be identified as completely normal but it is important to identify perhaps unhelpful thinking and/or behaving that is perhaps maintaining your current difficulties. In this case, change can be explored to bring about different perspectives and outcomes.
This is a structured and time-limited intervention that will require the client to complete work in between sessions. The emphasis is on shared learning and the client encouraged to become their own therapist through their own lived experience.
Generic Counselling may be offered by using an integrative approach from all clinical skills learned to date. It is often non-directive and the therapist will work in collaboration with the client to identify the presenting problem before considering possible solutions and the most appropriate intervention.